Scalp MicroPigmentation Southampton

  • The only solution that’s 100% guaranteed to work
  • Get long lasting and natural-looking results
  • Fast becoming the world’s number one solution for hair loss

Scalp micropigmentation is fast becoming the world’s number one solution for hair loss for men and women. It is a non-invasive procedure that replicates the appearance of a totally full, natural, complete head of hair. It requires no donor hair, no drugs, no lotions or shampoos, and it’s the only solution that’s 100% guaranteed to work. We recreate the look of hair follicles, leaving you with long lasting and natural-looking results.

Get Scalp Micro Pigmentation Artists specialise in creating perfectly natural and bespoke hairlines to suit each client.


Baldness cannot be ‘cured’, however it can be camouflaged. Traditional solutions such as hair transplant surgery, temporary concealers and hair systems all offer options to disguise baldness but for an innovative, stylish and permanent hassle free solution, Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as SMP, is the answer.

The typical result of the scalp micropigmentation treatment is the look of a shaved head, offering a classic ‘buzz cut’ that is natural in its appearance. Whether you are suffering from total hair loss, a receding hairline, balding of the crown, or alopecia, we will be able to offer a style of scalp micropigmentation to suit your needs. If your hair is thinning we can, regardless of gender, increase the appearance of hair density. Additionally, we can use this treatment process to camouflage scars.

SMP Artists will create a completely natural look for you that can be truly life changing.


Are you struggling with thinning hair, male pattern baldness or Alopecia? Do you have visible scars from a hair transplant? Do you suffer from thinning hair? Our Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is your solution.


Male-pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, affecting around half of all men by fifty years of age. It usually starts around the late twenties or early thirties and most men have some degree of hair loss by their late thirties.


Suffering from pattern baldness is very common. This type of hair loss comes in a variety of shapes affecting either the hairline or the crown area or both. We usually advise clients to shave their hair down to achieve the buzz look where scalp micropigmentation treatments can be perfectly matched and blended through to your existing hair.


Alopecia is an autoimmune condition and causes patchy hair loss. It can result in a single bald patch or extensive patchy hair loss. Patches can appear and disappear but scalp micropigmentation can cover the areas effectively.

Alopecia can strike in an abundance of different forms, from small patches to complete and total hair loss. Scalp Micropigmentation can solve your Alopecia worries by covering the area with the illusion of hair follicles. Scalp micropigmentation might be a great option to explore for people who are not suitable for a hair transplant or are unable to work with wigs.


Scalp micropigmentation can help with thin hair by filling in the gaps between strands. Whether you’re going bald in one spot or have hair that is thinning all over, these small scalp tattoos can be naturally blended with the remaining hair on your head.

Suffering from thinning hair is very common with men and women with long hair. If your hair
is thinning and you would like to keep the length without having to wear the shaved buzz
look then this is possible using SMP techniques to create the illusion of density by building
up treatments and shades of micro-dots around and in-between existing hair.


Scalp micropigmentation produces excellent results in the camouflaging of hair loss from scars on the scalp whether as a result of previous injury or from the effects left from hair transplantation. All hair transplants leave an element of permanent scarring – the level of which is down to the type of transplantation procedure performed.

The type of scarring depends on the type of transplant carried out. For either type – FUT or FUE – our SMP scar camouflage can be used to conceal any unsightly areas by the careful placing of impressions amongst the scar tissue to remove the contrast between skin and hair.

Scalp micro pigmentation treatment PRICING

Prices depend on the amount of area needing treatment and the amount of time it takes to implant the pigment. Each treatment usually requires three to four sessions and payments can be split between these appointments. We can assess the level of treatment you require when we see your photos or when you come in for a free consultation.

When men start to lose their hair, they typically start to see a pattern over the course of
many years. The Norwood Scale assesses the progression of hair loss on a scale of 1 to 7.
The cost of your treatment will be calculated using this simple system.

Prices vary from £500-£2000 depending on which number on the Norwood Scale you are
closest to.

On average, depending on the area to be treated, 3 or 4 treatments may be required. This will be spaced out between 10 day intervals.

Please send us some photos of your hair loss and we can provide an accurate quote
with more details. This can be done very quickly and with absolutely no obligation by
simply sending us 3 photos (top, side and back of the head). We will get back to you
usually within 24 hours.

The initial cost of your scalp micropigmentation is just one factor to consider. Somewhere between roughly 3 and 5 years post-procedure you will require an aftercare treatment to rejuvenate your SMP treatment.

This involves visiting our clinic for a couple of hours to revive your original treatment.

We also offer additional sessions and corrections free of charge for the first 6 months to
ensure our clients are 100% happy with the treatment.

Services Areas

SouthamptonHalifaxLeedsSt AlbansUnited KingdomLondon Colney, Adelaide Australia

Scalp micro pigmentation FAQS

What is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive and non-surgical, cosmetic, procedure that uses micro-needles to deposit a carbon-based pigment into the top layer of the scalp and creates the illusion of a closely shaven head of hair or can add density to thinning hair.

Are the results permanent?

The results of completed treatments will last for years, depending on your lifestyle. Many clients like to have a top-up session after 2 or 3 years just to keep their style looking fresh.

How much does the treatment cost?
Prices vary from £500 – £1800 depending on the extent of hair loss. Please send us some photos of your hair loss and we can provide an accurate quote with more details.

Will it look real?
Scalp micropigmentation gives the look of a shaven head or a stubble shadow look. The treatment will be undetectable. Only you and the people you choose to tell will know.

How long will the treatment take?
Generally you will be looking at 3 to 4 sessions over a 4 to 6 week period

How long will each session take?
This is dependent on the amount of hair loss. Each session can last a couple of hours.

How long do the results last?
After your treatment is complete you can expect the colour to last for many years. Over a longer term, you will gradually notice a slight lightening of the treatment but will not discolour. When this occurs, you can undergo a brief touch-up session to restore any fading and give you many more years before another touch-up session is needed.

How much is a touch-up session?
Approx £250. This is usually undertaken every 2-5 years and varies with each client.

Is SMP the same as a normal tattoo?
No, as there are different pigments, inks, machines, needles and techniques used. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a specialist field of its own and requires a highly experienced
technician to achieve great results.

How do you choose the right colour shade?
This is done according to skin tone and/or remaining hair colour. We have huge experience of a diverse range of clients from all cultures. 1st sessions usually start with a lighter shade and we gradually build up density and darkness as we progress to complete your treatment.

Is the treatment safe?
The treatment is perfectly safe, we use sterile equipment and brand new packaged needles for every procedure. We take health & safety very seriously and are fully insured and regulated.

How do we choose the front hairline?
When choosing hairlines it is always best to play it safe, not going too low on the first visit. Then on the second visit you would have decided how low you want to go. We can also
produce various hairline styles depending on what you like.

Does the colour discolour (turn orange/blue)?
No, as we only use a carbon based black pigment which is diluted to match your skin tone.

Will existing hair be damaged during the procedure?
No not at all, as the depth of the needle is only into the upper dermis.

Does the treatment hurt?
This varied with each client. You are probably going to feel some discomfort. However, the elation you will feel after solving your hair loss will far outweigh any discomfort from

How soon will I see results?
You will see results immediately, however you will experience a little redness to the skin that will subside within 12-48 hours.

What is the aftercare?
For the first 3-4 days following your treatment sessions you will be required to keep all forms of moisture away from the treatment area, this will mean avoiding showering the area and also refraining from exercise. You will be given a treatment helpsheet after your first visit, which contains more information.